Monday, 18 October 2010

word gets around

What's on this week
Monday 18 October: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training, which will include some anaerobic work.
Wednesday 20 October: BBQ Stakes 6k handicap, 12:15pm.
Thursday 21 October: Vets @ AIS Athletics track
6:00pm mile
6:20pm 800m walk
6:50pm 60m
7:00pm 1500m
7:30pm 200m
8:00pm 4x400m
8:15pm spiral 4
Friday 22 October: Customs 5k handicap, 12:15pm, "Floriade" course.
Saturday 23 October: Metro Runners, 8:00am at Acton Ferry Terminal.
Edit: also on Saturday 23 October: Mount Majura Vineyard Three Peaks 26km, Two Peaks 20km, One Peak 12km.
Sunday 24 October: Stromlo Forest Park 8:00am: speedygeese interval training session.

Stromlo Forest Park training.
Yesterday a Sunday morning speedygeese training session was held at Stromlo Forest Park for the first time. It won't take long until word gets around and the number of participants increases. Michelle had a solid session on the 1km grass circuit, running 2 x {100 fast/100 slow, 200 fast/100 slow, 300 fast/100 slow, 400 fast/100 slow, 500 fast/100 slow} plus warm up and cool down. I was able to do a light jog with my improving hamstring, while Colleen arrived later for her first visit to Stromlo and jogged around with a sore achilles but expressed her liking for the venue, vowing to return.
Despite all the rain the grass track was in good shape, not even one damp spot, few bare patches, We will be there again this Sunday morning at 8:00am, and most Sundays, but not on the 31st as there is a Vets Handicap being held on that day.

Save the Murray
This is one cause I could get passionate about, if nothing substantial is done soon to improve things in the long term.