Monday, 11 October 2010

school's back

What's on this week:
Monday 11 October:
Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training, which will include some anaerobic work.
Wednesday 13 October: BBQ Stakes 6k handicap, 12:15pm.
Thursday 14 October: Vets @ AIS Athletics track, from 6:00pm. See the ACTVAC website.
Friday 15 October: Customs 5k handicap, 12:15pm, "Floriade" course.
Saturday 16 October: I join the Metro Runners, 8:00am at Acton Ferry Terminal.
Sunday 17 October: First Stromlo Forest Park speedygeese training session, 8:00am.

speedygeese running in Melbourne, taken from the official results:
Debbie Cowell 3:07.33 [edit - Debbie may have been a DNF, I have two sources with conflicting official information. Obviously some sort of glitch in the results.]
Liz Bennett 3:32.51
Bronia Rowe 3:37.05 (5 min PB)
Kylie Malone 3:37.06 (11 min PB)
Warrick Howieson 3:56.11

Half Marathon:
Cathy Newman 1:39.42
Jennifer Bright 1:46.00
Katherine Sheppard 1:55.57
Ruth Baussmann 2:03.40

OK, Marathon's over, school's back, see you at training today. Come and jog at least, for today I am expecting two or three new or newish runners to be there whom you can jog with!