Friday, 15 October 2010

Candid Canberra #2

Photos by Brian Leslie, taken from Mt Stromlo during the 24 hour race. More via this link

Great performances at a perfect track first night of track last night. Bruce Graham was a stand-out as he begins his last full season as an M45. (His 50th is a fair way away yet .. January 2012). When the results come out it will be interesting to see the "Moore Series" age percentages for both men and women. And Roger made an excellent Meet Director! Full results here soon...

I am going to brave the rain this Saturday morning with the Metro Runners, and Sunday morning at Stromlo Forest Park. On Sunday the grass circuit will probably be closed because of the weather and if so we can use trails or road. There are showers there so we can change and get dry after the run. But isn’t this rain marvellous! Seeing as the ground is already saturated and most of the dams are full, a flood alert has been issued. Take care if you are down-stream from a dam!

Today is the last day to advise me whether you are coming to Tuesday’s speedygeese dinner. I will send out more information to those who are going. 

Did you notice I have replaced my interactive comment box and am trialling "ShoutBox". Hopefully the spamming we experienced was at the cBox end and not via this blog; we'll wait and see what happens with ShoutBox. An alternative could have been for me to register users in cBox but (a) that’s inconvenient, and (b) it would have cost a small amount.

Finally, a quote from Martin Pluss: "Those Bronze and Silver Medals in the marathon are Gold.