Friday, 2 July 2010


Happy Birthday to our baby! Mon is 34 today.

Dickson Training. In teams of four, each person ran 15 x 100m. jogging back their 100m to the same start point each time. Runners find this quite a hard session but enjoy it. Participating last night were Alan, Brett M, Bronwyn, Craig, me, Janene, Michelle, Nadine, Neil, Rod & Susan. Craig and I ran a quickish 12k up and down hills around Mount Ainslie first so we did not join the sprinters, while Janene acted as reserve and got in three sprints as part of teams and several on her own.

Tip of the day: The Secret. When you have found a good training pattern, done all the training, eaten all the right food, stayed fit and healthy, what is the secret to a good performance? Answer: Plenty of Sound Sleep. Think of it as recovery, as if you have been ordered to take time off to build up your strength again. Because, in fact, necessary recovery it is.

