Wednesday, 23 June 2010


Training report backlog cleared
[Edit: Monday 31 May Parliament House 20 minute Rose Garden runs: Bronwyn, Chris, Craig, Emma, Ewen, me, Jodie, Joel, Katherine, Kathy, Leanne, Neil, Rachelle & Warrick].

On 3 June Craig ran the early run around Mt Ainslie, then for the main session (from Bronwyn's blog) attendees: Colleen, Craig, Neil, Roger, Susan, Troy, Yelena and Bronwyn... warm up: 2.78k (2 x small loop + jog to far corner near Dickson College). The lights went out not long before we finished our 2nd small we headed over to the far corner (Dickson College/drain corner) to do our efforts... Yelena was restricted to 3k in her comeback while Roger was taking it it was the boys v the girls - in order: Troy/Neil/Craig & Susan/Colleen/Bronwyn... Our area was limited, 8 x 200m effort / jog 200m - we did our 200s along the length of a soccer field so there was a 180 degree turn involved at the half way point... this followed by 8 x 100m effort / standing recovery - we did the 100s as out & backs as well...warm down: 0.55k (reverse jog back to start).
Bronwyn writes a more detailed account than I!

William and Colleen at our May group dinner

7 June Rose Garden 200s for thirty minutes. Andrew, Bronwyn, Caroline, Chris, Craig, Emma, Helen, Jodie, Joel, Leanne & Neil. Just Craig for the early run.

10 June 8 x 3 x 400m with 400m jog recovery; a 45 minute session in 1 degree celsius. Attendees: Alan, Brett M, Brett L, Bronwyn, Caroline, Craig, Nadine, Neil, Roger, & Troy.

14 June Craig, Ewen, Jen did the early 8k run, and Neil, Tony, Emma, Katherine, Warrick, Jill, Jen & Craig ran 200m hard with 200m jog recovery on 2.5 min for 30min.

And thanks to Craig for organising these sessions while I was away!

There will be a Book Prize for the 100,000th "school of running" reader, or as close to the 100,000th as I can identify. Way back when, the 50,000th visitor prize was won by Sonia Veldhoven. Will you be the 100,000th? We will know in about three months' time, roughly!

Song of the week. “Yesterdays" by Switchfoot. Still an amazing song after three years of yesterdays.

Great song.

And Happy Birthday Bob Harlow, 63 today!