Monday, 28 June 2010


I like it when genuine improvers win handicap medals. This didn't happen yesterday; Cathy Newman was the third honest runner but was officially fourth on handicap. It probably doesn't matter what the rules are; there are always one or two dishonest runners who over time will manipulate the system to suit themselves and so deprive deserving people of their place medals. Happens everywhere. By the way, great run by Cathy. From one group behind her, I caught up with her and passed her sometime after 2k, and when I finished after 9.3k she was still just behind me. I ran well all the way, and Cathy ran really well too. [edit: In case you're worried, William, Colleen and I who finished in front of Cathy were not eligible for handicap honours and did not affect the result]

Cathy Newman and friend. Photo by Jennifer.

What's on this week:
Monday 28 June
: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training.
Wednesday 30 June: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Wednesday 30 June: 5:45pm Parliament House, easy run, about 12k
Thursday 1 July: Dickson 4:00pm long run; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Friday 2 July: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, Stage 88
Saturday 3 July: ACTVAC Cross Country at Weston Park: 11:10am 8k ACTVAC women & ACTVAC men 60+; 11:40am 12k ACTVAC men 30-59
Sunday 4 July: 9:00am ACTCCC women's 6k Jogalong at Weston Park