Sims, Kathy W58 2nd (silver) 21:11.75 ACT W55 record
Forestier, Katie W44 1st (gold) 19:49.02
Kingston, Janene W45 2nd (silver) 20:58.49
Booth, Tony M71 4th 24:14.38
Pilkington, Roger M51 8th 20:21.81
400m final
White, Ken M56 3rd (bronze) 60.89
8k Cross Country
Forestier, Katie W44 1st (gold) 34:31
Kingston, Janene W45 2nd (silver) 38:31.5
Sims, Kathy W58 2nd (silver) 38:24.9
Pilkington, Roger M51 8th 36:41.9
speedygeese final medal tally:
GOLD (2)
Katie Forestier 5000m, 8k cross country
Janene Kingston 10000m, 5000m, 8k cross country
Kathy Sims 800m, 5000m, 8k cross country
Tony Booth 800m
Ken White 800m
Katie Forestier 1500m
Ken White 400m
[Edit] Tony Booth 8k cross country!
Tony Booth at Stromlo
Congratulations once again to everyone who competed in Perth at the Masters. It was a very successful meet and you should all be very proud of your achievements.
Meanwhile back in Canberra ACT we had our Monday night training at Parliament House. Being Easter Monday, more than usual ran the early run: Andrew, Craig, Ewen, me, Jennifer, Miranda & Ruth. Then we were joined by Caroline, Christopher, Jill, Katherine, Neil, Warrick & Geoff for a session where we ran in teams of six; three in each team running at any one time; short sprints for twenty minutes on a triangular course around the flagpoles below Parliament House. Very anaerobic. It seemed strange that it was getting dark by the end of the session but that is something we will have to become used to.