Light on possible problems with new templates is found at
… The new templates feature the blog content housed in a transparent layer, so you can see the background beneath the content. As you scroll through the blog content, the background is displayed, in its glory. Your computer has to redraw the background, and the blog content, constantly, as you scroll. That takes computing power. … If your readers tend to use older computers, and slow Internet service (dialup even!), you might do well to look for a background that's lighter in resource use…
Check out the whole article. Meanwhile, given that some of you do have older slower computers, I will fix the problem for you by uploading my own background image. As soon as blogger (in draft) gives me the abilty to do so! Such a background image will be much lighter in resource than the default ones.
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Jen, Rachelle, Heidi, Karen
Ken, Maria, Katie - and apples!