A very big turn-out of speedygeese at the annual Weston Creek Half Marathon saw speedygeese win two (or three if you count Liz as a speedygoose) category prizes and nine barrel draw prizes - it was worth hanging around afterwards! There were many big PBs as well.
Official results -
22. Elizabeth Bennett W45 1:30.51 second female, first W45
39. Mick Horan M50 1:33:30
45. Nadine Morrison W40 1:34:08 fifth female, first W40
54. Geoff Moore M60 1:35:44
64. Andrew Matthews M50 1:37:18
67. Debbie Cowell W50 1:37:52
78. Warrick Howieson M35 1:38:59
82. Brett Morrison M40 1:39:38
92. Kylie Malone W35 1:41:05
93. Jennifer Bright W30 1:41:06
96. Janene Kingston W45 1:41:31
98. Helen Larmour W50 1:41:58
113. Maria O'Reilly W55 1:43:45 first W55
117. Craig Davis M40 1:44:13
119. Bronia Rowe 1:44:23
150. Suzie Gye W30 1:50:42
156. Bronwyn Calver W40 1:53:16
169. Alan Duus M60 1:55:58
171. Colleen Koh W30 1:56:05
189. Miranda Rawlinson W55 1:59:20
193. Ruth Baussmann W55 2:00:24
254 (individual) finishers
Weston Creek Half Marathon Relay Teams
1. RUN FAT BOY RUN MFF 1:31:36
Ken White M55
Katie Forestier W40
Amanda Walker W40
Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee
Melissa Clarke
Heidi Johnston
22. TWO SLOW GEESE FF 2:01:06
Caroline Campbell W65
Margaret McSpadden W60
43. ROBBO AND SON MM 2:15:44
Adam Robinson
Laurie Robinson M60
49. MELANIES FF 2:41:24
Melanie Tait
Melanie Brooks
54 relay teams finished! Our relay teams did extremely well: I managed to get a minute (?) clear of Heidi and Ken on their first leg; then stay about a minute (?) clear of Rachelle and Amanda on their second leg; then my wheels fell off and I almost walked the last few kilometers as about 15 people passed me including the two final relay runners Katie and Melissa, who were probably running sub 4 minute per km pace for the first part of their run. We usually win the relay section; the times this year were faster than previous years.
Then on Monday some of us backed up again for training, but numbers were down a bit because of the Half. Present were Andrew, Caroline, Christopher, Craig, Emma, Garry, me, Helen, Jennifer, Joel, Katherine, Kim, Leanne, Maria, Melanie, Neil, Noeline, Richard, Ruth, Sindia, Tim, & Warrick (22 runners). We ran our final speed-endurance session for now, short sprints on the grass in teams of three, over and over again for thirty minutes.
Sad news: I learned yesterday that Milton Valentine passed away on the weekend, after a long illness. If I hear of funeral arrangements I will post them here tomorrow.