Monday, 8 March 2010

heidi ho

Heidi: Orange Half Marathon 102 minutes. Woo-Hoo! Congratulations on completing your first Half Marathon! And 102 minutes on a tough course is very good. You could expect to be at least 5 minutes quicker on Canberra courses. The half marathon was part of  the "Orange Colour City Running Festival". So make sure you wear the orange souvenir T-shirt at your next run with us; I hope the T-shirt will be orange coloured.

Some Orange Results
Scott McTaggart first 1:10.08
Heidi Johnston 1:42.38 fourth W30-39. Heidi you are so young! I thought you'd be 40 by now!
Jim White 1:45.29 won the M60s. Well done Heidi, ahead of Jim is many people's primary goal.

What's on this week: (updated Mondays)
There's always something on.
RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN. perhaps. Our rain gauge read 81mm this morning.

Monday 8 March Parliament House 4:30pm jog, 5:30pm speedygeese interval training - speed endurance #5 of 6. If it is wet we will still be there, with adjusted training as appropriate to the conditions.
Tuesday 9 March 6:15pm Summer Series race #6 Regatta Point Acton Ferry Terminal 5k
Wednesday 10 March 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Wednesday 10 March 5:45pm Parliament House, easy run.
Thursday 11 March Vets Track
6:00pm 2000m steeple/3000m steeple
6:15pm 4 x 200m
6:20pm 200m
6:40pm 1500m walk
7:00pm 100m
7:15pm 1500m age handicapped ("Pennington")
7:40pm short hurdles
8:00m 7 lap spiral
Friday 12 March 12:15pm Customs weekly 5k handicap, Commonwealth Park
Saturday 13 March 7:00am Pack Runs at Molonglo Reach
Sunday 14 March 7:30am Weston Creek Half Marathon, Black Mountain Peninsula
I will be tapering for the half marathon and hope to run sub 95.

Heidi at North Curtin. She will be pleased with her time at Orange. I hope she hasn't over-celebrated with too much red wine and pizza! [When Heidi comments, it will be "there can never be too much red wine and pizza!"]