Monday, 29 March 2010

The future is already here. If you’re not living in it, you’re dead

from Mark Conner's Space  

  • By 2010, Gen Y will outnumber Baby Boomers
  • 96% of them have joined a social network
  • 1 out of 8 couples married in the US last year have met via social media
  • Facebook added 100 million users in 9 months
  • If Facebook would be a country, it would be the world's 4th largest
  • 80% of companies are using LinkedIn as their primary tool to find employees
  • 80% of Twitter usage is on mobile devices. People update anywhere, anytime. Imagine what that means for bad customer experiences?
  • In 2009, Boston College stopped distributing e-mail addresses to incoming freshmen
  • YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world
  • There are over 200,000,000 Blogs. 54% of bloggers post content or tweet daily.
Click here to read the full story. And to watch the video.
Click here 

What's on this week: (updated Mondays)
Monday 29 March Parliament House 4:30pm jog, 5:30pm speedygeese interval training - anaerobic #2.
Wednesday 31 March 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Wednesday 31 March 5:45pm Parliament House, easy run, usually about 12k.
Thursday 1 April: 5:30pm Dickson training at Antill Street grass athletics track under lights. I might get there at 4pm for a longer run first. Give me a call if you might join me for that.
2-4 April Easter: R&R :)