Thursday, 25 February 2010

your pace or mine

I will leave the question of a name for our pacing group open for another day wile I draft some pacers' documents. There have been lots of good ideas, I quite like the outside-the-box one of "Go for Goal". This should open up peoples' thinking a bit, we don't have to use a traditional style name. My "pacer bunnies" is OK; real bunnies often appear on parts of the course in the early mornings especially alongside Kings Avenue; and a bunny is a mid-field pacer as distinct from a rabbit who is a lead pack pacer. But bunny also has a playgirl/playboy connotation and I might not want to go there. I could just type away here and list whatever pops into my head:
Go For Goal
We Pace You
Bunny Bus
Come Together
Pack Power
Leaders of the Pack
Follow that Bus
Running for the Bus
Easy Riders
Tag-on Team
The list could be endless. I will decide tomorrow what the name is. Meanwhile keep the suggestions pouring in, it all helps the thinking process. I am listening.