Monday, 15 February 2010

shimmer shimmer

Join the Facebook speedygeese group:
Once joined you will be able to add photos and videos, and you will be able to invite others. At this moment there are 41 members of the speedygeese Facebook group.

What's on this week: (updated Mondays)
Monday 15/2 Parliament House 4:30pm jog, 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Tuesday 16/2 6:15pm Summer Series race #3 North Curtin 5k
Wednesday 17/2 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Thursday 18/2 Vets Track
6:00pm 1000m (additional event)
6:15pm 200m Daniels
7:00pm 100m
7:15pm 4 x 800m relay
8:00pm 3000m / 5000m
It was absurd that no distant event had been scheduled at 6pm.
Friday 19/2 - Sunday 21/2 Stromlo Running Festival
Sunday 21/2 6:30am Zoo long run (I may attempt a 29k run)

I will be updating this on the Facebook speedygeese Info tab each week, as well as here. And for this purpose I need information from the two other speedygeese sub-groups please so I can include their places and times. (Or should "sub-groups" read "super-groups"?)

Kat celebrating her engagement to Matt.