Monday training attendees: Andrew, Bronwyn, Caroline, Christopher, Craig, Emma, Ewen, Garry, me, Jennifer, Jenny (new), Joel, Katherine, Kim, Helen, Leanne, Lucy (new), Maria, Melanie, Miranda, Noeline, Neil, Richard, Ruth, Sindia, Tim, Victoria, Warrick & Yelena. I needed Ruth to remember the 29 names, then Bronwyn to post them first, to be certain I had got them all. Roll on speedygeese sessions with 100 starters! Photos and videos of the day's activities are on the speedygeese Facebook page (new), thanks to Ewen who came armed with a loaded camera. There were 20 hill sprints, the series of attrition sprints at the end being won by Joel from Tim, Andrew, and Bronwyn.
It's all happening at One of the photos: