Thursday night speedygeese results
M50 Gary Bowen 2:27.60 80.1%
W40 Katie Forestier 2:35.23 77.7 **PB by 3 seconds**
M50 Rod Lynch 2:40.73 72.4
M40 Brett Morrison 2:41.06 66.6 **PB by 5 seconds or more**
W40 Amanda Walker 2:44.11 72.3
M50 Roger Pilkington 2:52.76 67.9
W55 Kathy Sims 3:02.70 77.5
1500m Steeple
W55 Noeline Burden 7:59.82
10000m Championships
M35 Troy Steinman 40:25.37 silver
M60 Geoff Moore 43:40.07 silver
M50 Roger Pilkington 43:56.94 gold
M40 Brett Morrison 44:44.52 gold **big PB**
M50 Ewen Thompson 45:57.54 silver
W50 Helen Larmour 47:03.05 gold
W40 Bronwyn Calver 47:40.12 gold
W65 Caroline Campbell 54:53.12 gold
(did I miss any 10k pbs?)
W55 Noeline Burden 10.07 84.4%
W40 Emma Adams 14.78 74.4%
W55 Noeline Burden 15.90 81.9
4x400m Relay
M50 Ken Smith, M55 Ken White, M50 Rod Lynch, M50 Gary Bowen 4:16.81
M60 John Lamb, M60 Jim White, M60 Garry Maher, M60 Geoff Sims 4:28.65
W40 Katie Forestier, W40 Amanda Walker, W50 Sue Bourke, W50 Vicki Matthews 4:56.86
Noelene sprints home
Jim, Corey, Garry waiting for the relay to start
Garry hands over to Geoff
All photos from Thursday night track were taken by John Kennedy