Monday, 1 February 2010

nearly normal

For me it is back to most of my “normal” running routine. For February and March I think my effort days will be Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday/Sunday alternating. The first Saturday/Sunday will be Stromlo (when it re-opens)/Long. The second Saturday/Sunday will be rest/race.
I also resume gym, twice a week. Which may be just what I need to fire up some speed again.

Plans this week
Monday 1 February Parliament House 4:30pm easy run, 5:30pm interval training. Not as hard as usual since most people raced yesterday. And/or may want to race tomorrow!
Tuesday 2 February Summer Series race #1, 6:15pm. This will be at the boathouse, Menindee Drive Barton, running EAST. The change of direction is because long time club member Milton Valentine is in the hospice and the run will take us past his window where he may be able to watch us go by. Milton is of course very unwell.
Wednesday 3 February 12:15pm BBQ Stakes. My plans are to go and jog it this week. In future weeks I may have little opportunity to do so as I get further into my normal routine.
Thursday 4 February Vets track, not sure what to run, maybe just the 3k?
6:00pm 3000m
6:20pm 400m
7:00pm 200m "Daniels" handicap
7:15pm 4x1500m relay
7:40pm long hurdles
8:00pm 4x100m relay
8:15pm spiral 5 lap
Sunday 7 February 6:30am long run; meet at the zoo. All being well, I think I will try for 26k, running out and back along the south side of the lake.

Andrew Matthews
Gold medallist at Campbell Park 6.0k. Picture from his Facebook page.

Running in the 3.0k yesterday, I passed 14 people, no people passed me. But... this is because better runners like John, Katie, and Ken started before me. Gary who started behind me only gained half the distance between us. I still haven’t quite achieved my ambition to be the backmarker, and this run won’t do it for next time when I would expect to be be starting ahead of a few more runners.

Can't wait to get to training today with the speedygeese, everyone is running so well!