The following has appeared on the CSM website
On 4 February, the ACT Chief Minister announced "with enormous regret" that the ACT Government is unable to provide the necessary approvals to allow the Canberra Marathon to proceed this year. CSM deeply regrets the decision also. In the interests of ensuring that a highly successful event for the national capital continue, CSM believes that it ought to be granted the permit as the incumbent organiser of the event, until such time as the Federal Court rules against its right to organise the event. Whilst the Minister's decision certainly presents challenges for CSM at this time, we are not going to stand by and see one of Canberra’s great running and family events fall over because of the actions of others. To that end we are seriously exploring all options for 11 April 2010. We will be doing all we can to honour the faith of all existing entrants, and hope to do so. The Kids Marathon remains an integral part of our 2010 plans. We'll keep you informed.
I will keep you informed too.
Having come this far, this is what I think ought to happen.
----CSM should try to relocate all events elsewhere.
----ACTCCC should continue to organise an alternative event here.
----Neither should attempt to interfere with the other.
----If CSM's events cannot be staged, all its entry money should be refunded.
That's what I think should happen now, but this is NOT a prediction.
What do you think should happen now?