W55 Noeline Burden 16.0 81.4%
M50 Gary Bowen 3:11.9 80.2%
M50 Rod Lynch 3:12.0 78.8
W40 Nadine Morrison 3:37.8 69.7
M50 Roger Pilkington 3:39.7 69.4
W55 Kathy Sims 3:51.1 80.5
M50 Rod Lynch 11:43.3 71.5%
W40 Nadine Morrison 12:06.7 72.2 **PB by 6 seconds
M40 Brett Morrison 12:15.1 63.8 **PB by 10 seconds
M60 Geoff Moore 12:39.1 72.7
M50 Ewen Thompson 12:47.4 66.6
W40 Bronwyn Calver 12:55.0 67.7
M55 Graeme Patrick 13:04.4 68.0 **PB by 7 seconds
W50 Helen Larmour 13:06.0 74.8
W55 Ruth Baussmann 15:00.2 73.8
W60 Margaret McSpadden 16:36.6 70.7
M50 Roger Pilkington 22:25.6 64.8%
M40 Craig Davis 22:43.4 59.2 **PB by 1 second
Gary running a big PB in the 1000m
Tomorrow (Sunday) morning is the rescheduled Sprint-Marathon relay, there are also the Stromlo events, but I am running from the zoo at 6:30am, a few others are joining me there.