Announcing a new Facebook group, the speedygeese. Just type "speedygeese" in the search window and you will find it straight away. 20 members had joined already in its first day. Anyone can write on the wall, upload videos, post links and pictures, etc. I will use it to create speedygeese events and send out invitations to members of the Facebook group, as well as keeping them posted on what's coming up. So there will be a little redundancy, as I plan to copy the "what's on " section below to the Facebook group page. Otherwise, new stuff will appear on Facebook as it is potentially more interactive than a blog is. And results reports, for example, will stay here.
What's on this week
Monday 8/2 Parliament House 4:30pm jog, 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Tuesday 9/2 6:15pm Summer Series race #2 Boathouse West 5k
Wednesday 10/2 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Thursday 11/2 Vets Track
6:00pm 800m (additional event)
6:10pm steeple
6:15pm 100m
7:00pm 60m
7:15pm 4x400m
7:40pm 10,000m championships (combined with AA)
Sunday 14/2 Sprint-Marathon relay. Be at Dunrossil Drive at 7:15am for an 8:00am start.
[Edit: I have copied this section to Facebook's "the speedygeese" news. But it will have to stay here too as not everyone is on Facebook]
Kerrie is a "not-quite-yet-speedygoose" who has joined the speedygeese group on Facebook.