Friday, 1 January 2010

eight maids a' milking

It’s the eighth day of Christmas already. Happy new year everybody. I don't make any fuss about new year, or bother to stay up, it's just another day really. I usually do mark the occasion by reviewing priorities and making any resolutions which subsequently emerge, but nothing much comes to mind this time. I usually do compare my progress in fitness, health, running and racing and reset plans for the new year, and this time I have to go back four years to make it appear that I have been marking time. 2009 was less than spectacular; the only highlights really were the two silver medals in February at the Australian Masters down in Geelong where I blitzed the cross country course and a few days later ran an OK 5000m on the track in 20.01, and in May the trophy for running the first and the fortieth Canberra Half Marathon. This is the race Dave Cundy is trying to steal off us. His antics are a 2009 lowlight we can well do without in 2010. Another lowlight was the decision by our Veterans club to retain that name despite the whole aged athletic world outside Canberra being known as Masters. It served to render me speechless, which as you know is a rare occurrence. There were more lowlights and they outnumbered the highlights. But this year will be better.

Marking time: my pathetic annual total kilometres for 2009
2006 3,803 kilometres weight 67kg > 64kg
2007 3,905 kilometres weight 64kg > 66kg
2008 4,059 kilometres weight 66kg > 65kg
2009 3,271 kilometres weight 65kg > 67kg

2010 will be better than that. I guess that’s a New Year’s Resolution. If so, it’s the only one I have.

First activity of the year: I will install Windows 7 as soon as I have backed everything up. Vista doesn't cause me any problems, but Windows 7 has a feature (yes, just one!) I particularly want that Vista doesn't allow.

Party on

See many of you at Pialligo tomorrow for our weekly run followed by champagne + nibblies. And as many as nine ladies dancing, I hope. I do like this time of year, Christmas, and I do hope the Christmas spirit lasts for at least twelve days. Longer would be good.