Saturday training. Tony, Troy, Heidi, Janene, Victoria & I did our last Pialligo session for the year this morning. Troy ran his usual very fast times around 2:20, Heidi was a very consistent 2:40, Tony had four good runs between 2:50 and 3:00, and Janene and I were a bit more circumspect and we ranged mostly in the 2:40s to 2:50s, Victoria ran around the 3 minute mark..
Looking back at Thursday evening's Vet’s track, results from Thursday are not yet out. Looking back at AACT track, the results for 21/11 and 28/11 haven’t appeared yet either!
Looking back over the BBQ Stakes, many thanks to Steve Smith for all his good work handicapping the BBQ Stakes this year. He has now handed over to Kerrie Tanner for 2010, who is very keen and is sure to fill his shoes well!
Looking back to the best radio serial ever produced: BBC Radio 7 is repeating "I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again", the 1960's-1970's sketch comedy show starring all three Goodies along with John Cleese, David Hatch, & Jo Kendall. Episode 1 can be heard until next Thursday from the BBC iplayer at
Looking back nine or ten years:
We are hearing about “the first decade of the 21st century (2000-2009) is now over”. Yes, I am happy to agree that, by convention, a decade called “the noughties” (2000-2009) is now over, but NO, only the first nine years of the 21st century itself have passed. I wish people could count!
People generally have no idea about anything, I have decided. You, my reader, are of course excluded from that judgement.
Looking back at how much exercise you may or may not have done: We runners who keep an accurate diary of our activities are the best! But again, people generally are prone to wild exaggeration. For example, a news item that appeared today:
“An exercise in the art of exaggeration”
Many people overstate how much physical activity they do, survey reveals
By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor, Friday, 18 December 2009
When it comes to exercise, most people indulge in the sport of wishful thinking, a survey has found.
More than a third of adults claim to keep active enough to stay healthy, but in reality only one in 20 does.
Exaggerating how much exercise we take is partly due to human nature and in part reflects the difficulty of calculating how much time has been spent in activity of the right intensity. But in some cases, there is an outright attempt to deceive, according to experts.
This is continued at
How pathetic is that! Our society is fat, lazy, and in denial.
Looking back at 2009: This year, 2009, was my “year of transformation”. Thank you for taking the journey with me. Now, 2010 will be my year of …. What? Stay tuned!
never look back!
Janene, Ewen
never look back!!
Bronwyn, Amanda, Katie
never look back!!!
Quote of the day: Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions. G. K. Chesterton