Today: Jenny and I celebrate the 40th anniversary of our engagement. We plan to celebrate by going to see "The Boys Are Back", should be good. The official engagement day was 15 November 1969. I don't know if I have photographic evidence of the event itself, but here's a picture from that era.
That's Jenny on my right and Jenny's sister Sue on my left. And that's me in between them. Just in case you find it hard to decide who's who. Jenny appears to be wearing an engagement ring. Picture taken in Adelaide. This and the one below were slides that we later converted to jpegs.
Last night we attended Janet Perfrement's 60th birthday party. Janet and I were at Flinders University together in 1967 and 1968. The photo below of Janet and I was taken later, sometime after Jenny and I had our first two children. Because as you can see, the two children are in the photo.
I am holding Nathan. Janet is holding Loani. The same Loani who has just had her fifth baby, Will. It seems the photo was taken a while ago.