Recent BBQ Stakes winner Helen is having a purple patch, she placed in the 6k Jogalong on Sunday for the first time. And is training better than ever.
Monday training was fun. A good turn-out of 23 speedygeese altogether on a hot November afternoon. At 4:30pm a small group consisting of Claire, Ewen, Ruth, Yelena, Jennifer & I ran 8k under shade heading west along the lake. Then at 5:30pm we joined Andrew, Bronwyn, Christopher, Garry, Helen, Joel, Kat, Kathy, Katie, Ken, Maria, Mick C, Tony; newcomers Danae, Emily, Jo, and returnee Trevor, for thirty minutes of 200 on / 260 off grabbing drinks on some of the laps as needed.
Katherine - Happy Birthday 39 yesterday. Only one more year of youth left!
To Joel & Yelena, happy wedding anniversary, 3 years tomorrow!
The big news now is that no less than three pairs of speedygeese have announced their engagements in the last few days! Boys and girls, that means there are six fewer "single" goslings to choose from, you'd better get moving!
Here is my song of the week. I am not too sure how well I place within my generation; some of it was a phase we just went through. Anyhow, I remember back in the 1960s seeing "The Who" live in Adelaide from a dozen rows back, and this song was the highlight of the concert.
My Generation:
Baby Boomers
But it's a baby boomer thing to be fascinated by numbers, statistics, ranking lists etc, and that is certainly me. We rate everything from zero to 100, from 20 to 01. We rank schools. We list the 200 best songs, in order. We fret over who the ten best athletes of all-time were. We work out what percentage of our thinking is "modern" and what percentage "post-modern". We assign points to various makes and models of cars to help decide which ones to purchase. We have to-do lists which we re-prioritise daily. We don't realise there are generations different from ours who don't think that way! We call it being ordered, being organised, and make a virtue of it. We have our training plan up on the wall and cross off each session as it is achieved. We carefully log every km run, every drop of sweat expended. We rate coffee shops, cities, girlfriends, weather, movies, everything.
Won't get fooled again
Here's a worrying thing: looking at Facebook it seems that later generations have this same failure to some extent. Everywhere on Facebook we see surveys of top ten "likes" and "dislikes". But my theory is that we, the baby boomer generation, originated this. Don't be fooled again!