Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Pialligo training on Saturdays

Tony Booth has kindly offered to host our Saturday training, given that Stromlo is unavailable.

We park at the old Pialligo school (directions below) for our warm-up run, then we drive over to Tony & Chris's place for the interval training.

Warm-up: Park where indicated on the map. Unfortunately all the beautiful big trees visible on the google earth map have been inexplicably chopped down, so drive past where there used to be trees.

But first, to get there, come into Fairbairn Avenue from Pialligo Avenue, throw a left at the Richmond Fellowship sign, and another left.

In particular, if you are coming South down Fairbairn Avenue, which some of you will be, you cannot get in , because there's a no right turn off Fairbairn where you want it. So if you are coming South, you do a little circle: you throw a right off Fairbairn Avenue into Morshead drive, then left into Pialligo Avenue and left again back into Fairbairn Avenue.

It's all clear if you follow it on the map:

We meet here at 8:00am on Saturdays. You're welcome to join us.

Training. After the warm-up we drive across to Tony's place at 14 Beltana Rd, entering where you see the sign "The Pialligo Apple Yurt." It's pleasant and quite shady.

Thursday Track and Field
A reminder for Thursday track that everyone should bring a small plate of food for supper.

Stromlo Running Festival
Early-bird entries close 30 November. The link is on the side-bar.