Sunday, 1 November 2009

Hubert's Glooper

Garry and Neil racing at the O'Connor Ridge handicap.

What I am reading: "Making Money", by Terry Pratchett. Which is about a Mint. Hilariously funny. I am up to Chapter Four. I love the section on Hubert's "Glooper" in Chapter Three. I will never view a Finance report (e.g. on the ABC news) in quite the same way again. I have Pratchett's next novel, "Unseen Academicals", on order. Which is about soccer.

It's November 2009 already. How did that happen? I am sitting here looking despairingly at the list of things I should have completed by the end of October. To cheer me up, here are result from the third round of ACT interclub on 30/10/09
800m Thea 2:50.68
5000m Thea 22:36.16

And Hatches, Matches, Dispatches etc
Happy birthdays to Julia, Kelley, and Noeline, all on 31/10.
Congratulations to Tim Calver who has announced his engagement to Sheona, or at least I think he has announced it. Nothing on Tim's Facebook page yet...
Meanwhile, stay tuned for an eleventh grandchild announcement from me - only a matter of days now.