For a moment there I thought that Ruth (3rd) and Cathy (18th) had changed their respective birth certificates and run in the W50 5000m! Those who did run included Kathy with an excellent silver medal and a time I can now only dream of, and Tesso running very well for 21.07. A time I hope to emulate soon!
W50 5000m finals
1 Wilson, Julie W51 New Zealand 18:49.7h
2 Southgate, Kathy W53 Australia 19:01.1h
3 Basman, Robyn W50 Australia 20:04.7h
4 Kiyamova, Rasimya W52 Russian Federation 20:07.1h
5 Petley, Karen W50 Australia 20:44.9h
6 Fabian, Theresa W51 Australia 21:07.1h
7 Bunker, Erika W53 Australia 21:08.8h
8 Ryan, Anne W54 Australia 21:27.6h
9 Berthet, Marie-Jose W52 New Caledonia 21:39.6h
10 Wille, Chrissy W51 Australia 21:55.7h
11 Fernandes, Lourdes W51 Brazil 22:21.5h
12 Nagyné Kotroczó, Andrea W51 Hungary 22:38.9h
13 Fairgrieve, Jane W51 Australia 23:09.1h
14 Lee, Julie W50 Australia 23:14.2h
15 Lippitt, Anne W54 United Kingdom 24:16.8h
16 MacPherson, Lorna W53 Canada 27:53.6h
17 Brenton-Haden, Sally W53 Canada 28:04.3h
18 Newman, Catherine W54 Australia 29:10.3h
19 Garban, Odilia W51 Venezuela 30:09.1h
Also a silver medal to Bob Chapman
M75 5000m 2 Chapman, Bob M75 Australia 24:28.1h
ACTVAC track
I didn't get out to the track last night, but the weather cleared just in time for the 3000m/5000m at 6pm I hear. And Bilbys were out there in large numbers, I am glad they made it. I hope everyone had a good night, results will be up soon.
Stromlo training reminder: 9am sharp Saturday.