It should be a hoot at track tonight: there is a smorgasbord of events to choose between late in the program, just when storms are predicted. Running in the rain is no problem but I am not so sure about lightning. See you there!
John Kennedy takes some brilliant photos: I don't know how Narelle decides which ones to publish in "Vetrunner" magazine, they are all so good. Here are two more excellent examples from O'Connor Ridge.
Geoff Barker. Pretty in pink but not as pretty as his two companions.
Two very good looking gentlemen, Gary and Ken, smiling (at this stage of the race... the start)
Do you want to be a runner? Perhaps you think you are not good enough. But guess what, to be a runner, all you have to do is run! Simple, isn't it? You don't have to win any races, wear expensive streamlined clothes, or run at any particular speed.
If you do a bit of running, have you ever heard yourself saying, “Well, I suppose I am, but…” or even, “I couldn’t really call myself a runner, because…”
It's like writing: I always wanted to be a writer so in the last few years I have tried my hand at it via this blog and via articles for "Vetrunner", with the thought that if I get good enough at it, one day I might qualify to think of myself as a writer.
I admit, it’s taken me a long time to say, “I’m a writer.” I did so when I realised that "a writer" is simply someone who writes.
“What’s a writer?”
"A writer writes.”
"What's a runner?"
"A runner runs."
Write it up on your wall at home. Look at it every day. "A runner runs".
I am a runner. I run. What about you? Are you a runner? If not, what is stopping you?