Friday, 2 October 2009

Happy Runners

"People who drink alcoholic beverages on a regular basis may be more likely than teetotalers to exercise -- and the more they drink, the more likely they are to work out, a new study shows".... continued here at It's a bit of a worry to see their definition of "heavy drinkers". For men it's 76 or more drinks a month, for women, 46 or more. Still, the study was conducted in the United States, where they are more likely than anyone else to suffer from drinking-induced exercise.

Happy Track
Last night was the first night of Vets track and an excellent night it was too. For early August, it was amazingly mild, and it was still. It has been years since a 1500m race at wind-swept Bruce Stadium has been held in such calm conditions.
Our officially speedy results should be available quite soon.

Happy Handicaps
There are just two more Vets handicap races this year. I might switch to the long course; Iwill make up my mind just before the start at the October Handicap.
I am told the venue for the November handicap and awards presentation will be at Weston Park this year (a new course there), and not at Innabaanya as for previous years.

Happy Birthdays
Birthdays this week for my mother, 84 today, and grandson Tyler, 4 last Wednesday. I have new photos of the three Moore grandsons posted on my blog.

Happy Speedygeese at Vets track

Happy Speedygeese not at Vets track

Happy Long Weekend. Remember, Saturday at 9am Stromlo training is on for the first time, and Monday 5:30pm Parliament House training is on as usual despite the holiday.