Parkway 4k
9 Geoff Moore M60 17:39 78.8%
10 Graeme Patrick M55 19:52 67.3
20 Cathy Montalto W55 21:26 73.7
30 Neil Boden M55 21:08 64.9
40 finishers
Parkway 8k
11 Janene Kingston W45 38:36 69.8%
12 Margaret McSpadden W60 50:47 65.9
23 Craig Davis M40 42:04 56.0
26 Bronwyn Calver W40 38:40 68.5
27 Nadine Thomlinson W40 37:57 69.8
33 Heidi Johnston W35 38:58 67.5
42 Alan Duus M60 41:34 68.5
49 Troy Steinman M35 34:42 66.2
50 Christopher Lang M55 43:23 63.7
52 Brett Morrison M40 38:26 62.0
53 Andrew Matthews M50 39:54 64.1
58 Caroline Campbell W65 46:06 79.2
59 Roger Pilkington M50 36:03 71.0
63 Ruth Baussmann W55 48:42 66.2
72 Tony Booth M70 48:52 65.1
76 Ewen Thompson M50 44:30 58.6
88 finishers
The only positive thing I can say about my run today is that my Gluteus Medius is no longer sore. Thanks, Michael the masseur! If I am not running any better before the next handicap race rocks around in a month's time, I will switch to the long course after several years of running the short. I am not training for the track in the foreseeable future, so the long handicap series next year would be better training.