Friday, 18 September 2009


Speedygeese in the 10k Canberra Times Fun Run
157. 42.56 Katie Forestier. Excellent run given the hot, windy conditions.
205. 43.55 Troy Steinman
258. 45.05 Helen Larmour. Winner W50-59 division
280. 45.36 Ken White
367. 46.49 Amanda Walker
383. 46.58 Heidi Johnston
399. 47.11 Janene Kingston. This is a pb! I don't know who else ran pbs.
415. 47.19 Brett Morrison
460. 47.52 Kathy Sims
507. 48.24 Craig Davis
542. 48.52 Yili Zhu
729. 50.39 Kevin Chamberlain
767. 50.59 Tony Booth
868. 51.52 Geoff Sims
901. 52.10 Rae Palmer
941. 52.30 Jennifer Bright
1151 54.40 Garry Maher
1235 55.34 Miranda Rawlinson
1246 55.41 Yelena Pearson
1484 58.06 Gerry Vassallo
1512 58.26 Noeline Burden
2391 70.33 Peter Hogan
2999 official finishers
Also running - Andrea making a return after her baby
I know I may have missed some - please tell me and I will update.
"Don't take one of me eating" - Heidi. Ran well in the Fun Run.