Sunday, 9 August 2009

One week down, 35 to go

Peter Magill has some good advice about running shoes and injuries, and the debate on barefoot running.
Here’s a quote :
“there's no question that my feet have been far healthier in lightweight shoes with minimal arch support and motion control than they ever were in the heavier, over-designed, training bricks that shoe companies have been shoving onto our feet for the past couple decades”.
I agree, and the dilemma is to find a suitable pair of running shoes for my marathon tilt, now only 35 weeks away.
Obviously barefoot is out of the question; so are heavy clumpy shoes which slow me down, add weight, and exacerbate those leg niggles that want to accompany my every move these days.
I wore frees in the marathon two years ago; but hard ground surfaces send shockwaves up my legs in any race. I couldn't race down that hill in the City to Surf on concrete for example; I would have to tip-toe down it. In that marathon from 22km and beyond the pain became excruciating. I still ran 3:18 but it was a struggle.
So for the marathon next year and a shot at 3 hours I need something as light and as comfortable as the Frees, but with some forefoot cushioning. Please.
Any suggestions?

On the City to Surf television coverage there were plenty of shots of Bruce Graham tagging onto the lead female. I expected to see Ewen there too, or was Ewen running with Emily this time, thinking mistakenly that she was the leader?