End of winter season dinner
I am planning to book for a training group end of season dinner very soon. The suggestion is La Capanna restaurant at Kingston (http://www.bestrestaurants.com.au/restaurants/ACT-Canberra-lacapanna.aspx) for Monday night 21 September instead of training that night. If there is only positive feedback I will make a booking in a few days time for the 21st. It's excellent Italian!
speedygeoff's school of running
There have been unprecedented numbers of visitors to this blog for the last couple of weeks: over 100 per day. Greetings! It has wonderful to have you all here. Comments and feedback are always welcome. I will keep writing interesting bits and pieces as best I can. And I love reading other running blogs, so advertise yours here if you will!
Thanks to Ewen for enabling me to fix a "date stamp" problem, you may have noticed they didn't always show up with post headings, but that should now be OK.
Ewen ahead of some other runners...
Feedback on the feed
Speedygeese team members, please let me know if date & place, the 21st at La Capanna, suit you or not. Thanks!