Monday, 27 July 2009

Mookchook's Mighty Mountain Marathon!

Kelley, a.k.a Mookchook, ran a brilliant Bush Capital Marathon on Saturday, half an hour ahead of the boys (Roger & Rob). See, told you!
From the website: "Kate Hodson of Ngunnawal in the ACT made an outstanding comeback from injury to finish first female in 3:22:04, with Canberra veterans Kelley Flood second in 3:42:00 and Elle Knight third in 3:54:15".
I will publish all the speedygeese times soon.

Meanwhile, yesterday's ACTVAC handicap results are already available:
Blewitts 7.0k
2 Craig Davis M40 38:16 55.5%
5 Janene Kingston W45 36:30 66.7
23 Rod Lynch M45 28:21 80.8
29 Christopher Lang M55 38:19 65.0
31 Troy Steinman M35 30:32 67.8
35 Alan Duus M60 37:22 68.6
45 Heidi Johnston W35 36:00 65.1
50 Margaret McSpadden W60 47:30 63.6
57 David Baussmann M55 37:26 67.1
64 Maria O'Reilly W50 37:19 73.7
67 Ruth Baussmann W55 44:31 65.4
85 Mick Horan M50 37:59 60.7
88 finishers

17 Ken White M55 14:59 76.4%
29 Katie Forestier W40 14:30 80.3
36 Noeline Burden W55 19:34 68.3
42 Gary Bowen M50 16:42 67.4
43 Amanda Walker W40 17:08 67.4
45 Garry Maher M60 18:19 66.5
56 Neil Boden M55 19:15 61.3
62 finishers

Coming events
Monday 27 5:30pm Parliament House training. Middle distance intervals.
(early start 4:30pm for an 8k jog)
Wednesday 29 12:15pm BBQ Stakes
Thursday 30 5:30pm Dickson continuous sprints
(early start 3:50pm for a long run!)
Saturday 1 August 1pm ACTCCC Runners Shop 10k, Menindee Drive
This is a flat fast 10k road run, well worth doing.
Sunday 2 August women's jogalong
also, High Noon meet. The track part of the program is:
12:00 pm Sprint Hurdles
12:10 pm 60m
12:25 pm 100m
12:45 pm 800m (run and walk)
1:00 pm 200m
1:15 pm 3000m (run and walk)

Finally, happy birthday to my daughter Loani, 37 today!