Gary and Katie at West Stromlo
Blue skies albeit with a cold wind off some snow on the ranges meant the conditions were OK for the BBQ Stakes today after all. However, no-one beat their handicap "par", i.e. no-one grossed under 40 minutes, as most seemed to feel the cold anyway, and running into the wind for the first 2 kms of the race didn't help. But what all this meant was, despite an average run I managed a close third on handicap, only 7 seconds off winning, and my best 2009 time so far. Finishing fast and not that far behind me, Katie ran her best time ever for the "normal direction".
Speedygeese BBQ times today
Katie 25:37
Me 26:15
Roger 26:21
Ken 27:45
Helen 28:14
Last week (no wind!)
Roger 25:44
Helen 27:42
Monday - Sri Chinmoy 5 mile Heidi 37:20
Half Marathon Thea 1:45.34
Helen at West Stromlo