Saturday, 6 June 2009


1. I don't have time to waste on things that don't matter. I have plenty of time for the things that count.
2. I don't have time to get moody, self-centered, and irritable. I do have time to love my wife and children and grandchildren.
3. I don't have time to wallow in the past at what might have been. I do have time to focus on the wonderful things that can happen today.
4. I don't have time to play self-importance games (Who do you know? What kind of house do you live in? What have your kids accomplished? What are you driving?) I do have time to build up others and forget myself.
5. I don't have time to coddle immature people whose idea of life is getting their own way. I have plenty of time to build relationships with friendly, positive people who may have various opinions about life.
6. I don't have time to be a peace-monger (doing whatever it takes to keep others from getting upset). I do have time to be a peacemaker (helping and caring about people no matter what).
7. I don't have time to play it safe. My life will be over all too soon in any case. I do have time to take risks.
8. I don't have time to blame others for being obstacles. I do have time to take responsibility for my own actions and behaviour.
9. I don't have time to complain and focus on the negative. I do have time to speak a word of hope to people who may be in need of encouragement.
10. I don't have time to settle for the mediocre. I do have time to be passionate about what matters most.