I got a song been on my mind
And the tune can be sung, and the words all rhyme
Deedle-ee deet deet deet deet deet deet deedle-ee dee
Another crunchy frost this morning. Yesterday morning was minus 6. Lower, actually, here in Holt.
Thursday night training consisted of four intervals of two laps each in lane four: possibly about 860m; on about 8 minutes or so. We used handicap starts so that runners finished more or less together. Present were Amanda, Brett M, Bronwyn, me, Heidi, Maria, Nadine, Neil, Rod, Roger, Susan, Suzie, Troy & Yelena. It was cold but it would have been much colder if the wind had not dropped.
For interest, and as an indicator of just how these runners are going, below are the start groups for the fourth interval. Note - I adjust start groups each interval so that at least first and last are moved each time. Also - Brett just tipped out five other runners when we used the following starts.
Go ---
0.10 Susan
0.20 Yelena
0.30 Suzie, Neil
0.40 Maria
0.50 Bronwyn, Brett, Heidi, Amanda, Nadine
1.00 ---
1.10 Roger, Troy
1.20 Rod
Caroline at West Stromlo
Tony at West Stromlo
What the last 2km looked like. All uphill.