Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Run For Your Life

what I am viewing: 
I have finished watching Doctor Who Series 3, next will come the "Titanic" Christmas special which preceded Series 4. And of course the new Doctor Who, which resumes at 7:30pm this Sunday on ABC1. Not to mention "The Chaser's War on Everything", which resumes tonight.

what I am reading: 
I have finished Currant Events by Piers Anthony (it was a red currant), also Coraline by Neil Gaiman, a child's story, and the "graphic novel" version at that, which is why I was able to complete it in one sitting.

I am also reading the latest R4YL magazine. Excellent articles on Martin Fryer, Chris Wardlaw, Collis Birmingham, David Criniti, and much much more that I am yet to read, The surprise was the article on our own Jodie Davis. Photo by Bronwyn!

Click to enlarge. In the magazine I also see a positive letter to the editor, promoting Masters. To those who imagine we in Canberra had a decisive vote last week to retain the name "Veterans", the vote was 27-26 with 4 abstentions, from a club of over 500 (and falling). The only way we can promote ourselves as a movement with any credibility outside our club is to continue calling ourselves Masters, just as we (some of us) have in the last 12 months. Masters is the only game in town in the 21st Century. We have to move with the times or we die. Even if we remain the ACTVAC, and keep half our existing members contented, we are actually Masters athletes conducting Masters events, and we can still be known as such outside the club.

And if we aren't, some other body will fill that niche. There, I said it.

As for me, my  focus will not be on Masters or Veterans (or Aardvarks). All the debating and contention and hoo-haa is not what matters to me as a coach and athlete and training group member. The discussion over the last 12 months and at the AGM was "merely" a "what is best for our club" thing which has now passed, it's over. But instead, as already mentioned by you the reader in comments on this blog, the focus for us has been, is, and will be, on "ordinary runners."

Even reluctant ones.

This training group (the speedygeese) serves as an entry point for ordinary runners who can go on and join whatever clubs are organising running events in the ACT. If they so desire. Whatever these clubs call themselves. The more such entry points (social, fun, and culturally relevant groups) there are the better.