Sunday, 24 May 2009

Moving Beyond "Who Am I?"

Questions of identity can be blocks to action. If that's your choice. But U2 wrote and sang a song called "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" and it didn't stop Bono from "feeding the world". It may be best that we choose to shelve these ultimate questions of identity, decide we can only see through a glass darkly in this life, and ask ourselves more practical questions, such as: Am I Part Of The Problem or Am I Part Of The Solution?

Here's my (on-going) plan. Group together with others who also see themselves as part of the solution, and press forward.

I say this because it can be discouraging when we encounter the nay-sayers, and sometimes it's easy to focus on the problems. The problems are smaller than they appear! Sometimes, ignoring apparent difficulties and taking positive action anyway can make these problems disappear altogether.

The Y-Generation
If we think we have problems now, just wait! A new challenge is on the horizon. In about four years time the first of GenY turns thirty. If we are going to continue connecting with the 30+ age bracket we will need to be on the GenY wavelength. Actually, we cannot afford to "just wait". I am attending a meeting on 2 June addressing these issues, put on by Sport & Rec. Would anyone like to accompany me? I have the registration form which I can email you.
About the program – The topic of the workshop will be, ‘Understanding and Engaging Generation Y.’ Generation Y is defined as, ‘people born in the era between 1983 to 2000’, a relevant age group to both the Development Network and Coaching and Officiating group as this is our current junior and youth sporting participants and officials demographic.
Target Audience – The Community Sport Workshops target anyone and everyone involved in the ACT sporting community, coaches, officials, administrators, parents, teachers, students and athletes or participants themselves.. Additional members of sporting organisations are welcome to attend if they find the topic of the workshop is relevant to their role.
What’s involved – The session will be conducted by Sydney-based social researcher and author, Michael McQueen, and will be delivered in the format of a one and a half hour presentation, allowing time on completion for questions and answers. The content of the presentation will be specifically relevant to those who formulate and deliver sporting programs to today’s youth.
When/Where: Tuesday 2nd June, Gungahlin Room, Ainslie Football Club
Time: Registration 6.10pm, Presentation 6.30 – 8.30pm
Cost: No cost

At the Half Marathon
Cathy, Graham

Cathy won the W55s

 Ruth - Happy Birthday!


Michelle, Simon

 (Janene, Ruth,) Pam, Charlie, Roger