Thursday, 7 May 2009

I have moved to gmail

I have a new email address - I am still speedygeoff, but I am at now. Put it in your address book, test it by sending me an email!

Training today - 5:30pm at Dickson. Also, I will be starting earlier for a long run, and you can join me if you wish. But as I haven't decided yet how far/what time, send me an email (see above) and I shall reply with the details.

BBQ Stakes Yesterday lunchtime, and this is just awesome, Katie ran 25.14. Last week she had improved her pb from 27:08 to 26:06, a 62 seconds improvement, and this week she knocked another 52 seconds off that.

And Roger reached a mile-stone, he had his 800th run.

Speedygeese at the Stakes:
Katie ~25:14
Roger ~26:21
Ken ~27:08
Helen ~27:41
me ~28:41
Carolyne ~39:04

Dinner photo #3
Margaret and Peter

Photos from the Women's and Girls' 5k Fun Run (click to enlarge)


Helen (red top)

Cathy (orange top)