How the speedygeese went
My choice of the outstanding run of the day was Charlie's, breaking 100 minutes for the first time, running around 98:50. And a whole lot of others had excellent runs as well.
Speedygeese at Lennox Gardens: Relaxing After the Half Marathon.
Yili, Charlie, Roger, Suzie, Helen, and me. (click to enlarge)
new speedygoose Suzie (click to enlarge)
Yili (click to enlarge)

As I mentioned yesterday, Sunday September 13, 1970, was the date of the first Canberra Half Marathon, and I am the only runner to have completed the first and the fortieth. I have just realised this date in 1970 was one week after Jenny and I returned from our honeymoon, a two week trip to the Blue Mountains, towing a caravan, and being snowed in for several days at Blackheath! (Not that we noticed). So it was pretty lucky that I ended up running that first half marathon!
Honeymoon - photo taken by my Better Half.
This was taken about ten days before the first Canberra Half Marathon