Sunday, 17 May 2009

Better Half

Who could have imagined better conditions for a half marathon than those we experienced for the Canberra Half Marathon today? Perfect conditions: hardly a breath of wind, not a cloud in the sky, cool to the point of traces of frost just discernable in some of the shadows, and a big field which guaranteed a stream of runners save at the very front and far back.

How the speedygeese went
My choice of the outstanding run of the day was Charlie's, breaking 100 minutes for the first time, running around 98:50. And a whole lot of others had excellent runs as well.

Speedygeese at Lennox Gardens: Relaxing After the Half Marathon.

Yili, Charlie, Roger, Suzie, Helen, and me. (click to enlarge)

new speedygoose Suzie (click to enlarge)

Yili (click to enlarge)

As I mentioned yesterday, Sunday September 13, 1970, was the date of the first Canberra Half Marathon, and I am the only runner to have completed the first and the fortieth. I have just realised this date in 1970 was one week after Jenny and I returned from our honeymoon, a two week trip to the Blue Mountains, towing a caravan, and being snowed in for several days at Blackheath! (Not that we noticed). So it was pretty lucky that I ended up running that first half marathon!

Honeymoon - photo taken by my Better Half.

This was taken about ten days before the first Canberra Half Marathon