Sunday, 19 April 2009

Marathon #35

I never planned to enter it.
All the training was aimed at an AMA medal at Easter on the track.
Which I achieved, which I celebrated.

I wasn't fit.
Hamstring problems saw me lose form this year compared with last.

I entered it because it was there.
I really shouldn't have started it.
My only run last week after Easter was an attempt at a slow 24k at Clare that ended after 8k of painful jogging and 2k of walking.

I never meant to complete it.
I was waiting for soreness, cramp, ITB or hamstring or calf or quad pain, and then I would stop.

Instead I finished it.
The pain never eventuated.
Despite shoes I hadn't worn for over a year.
Despite no special preparation, just turning up and running.
Despite taking no electrolytes etc during the marathon, just water.

It wasn't fast, I have run slower, once.
It was a negative split, which I have done before, once.

Marathon #35.
No worries.