Monday, 13 April 2009

Don't join dangerous cults: Practice safe sects!

Next Sunday is the Canberra Marathon.

Canberra Marathon entrants are listed at[0]=186&pageid=177

speedygeese entered in the marathon include

Ruth Baussmann F123 ACT 58 3:58:44 2003
Gary Bowen 291 ACT 52 3:27:03 2004
Geoff Moore 6 ACT 60 2:26:58 1978
Cathy Newman F43 ACT 48 3:26:40 2006
Roger Pilkington 218 ACT 50 3:18:08 2006 (and has entered the 50k)
also Michelle Wells F78 ACT 37 3:42:00 2008

There will be late entrants.
I will decide on the day whether to start, how far to run, how fast to go. I have entered the marathon "because it's there".

Today is Easter Monday: There will be no training today. It's back on next week!

Cathy at Stromlo