DVDs I am watching: 'allo 'allo series 9. Only four more episodes to go and I find out how it all ends!
Track this Thursday: 5k championship at 7:40pm
Women’s 6k Jogalong 1 March (at Stromlo Forest Park)
112. Thea Zimpel 27:36
114. Miranda Rawlinson W55 33:09
134. Helen Larmour W45 28:07
143. Cathy Montalto W55 32:09
162. Yelena Pearson 36:19
178 finishers
Summer Series 10 March - Acton Ferry Terminal 5k
27. Thea Zimpel 21:58
34. Yili Zhu M45 22:46
45. Neil Boden M55 24:46
52. Rae Palmer W60 25:34
53. Cathy Montalto W55 25:40
54. Roger Pilkington M50
57. Ruth Baussmann W55
69 finishers
song of the week: "White as Snow", from "No line on the Horizon", by U2: