Saturday, 21 March 2009

Not quite there yet

Thursday night results for the speedygeese
M45 Rod Lynch 2:25.58 79.2%
M50 Ken White 2:27.70 79.4?
W40 Amanda Walker 2:40.20 73.4%
W40 Katie Forestier 2:41.55 74.0%
M70 Tony Booth 2:50.46 81.3%
W55 Kathy Sims 2:53.22 80.5%

M45 Rod Lynch 10:50.76 76.7%
W40 Katie Forestier 11:58.42 75.2%
M55 Ken White 13:02.05 67.0%
W45 Helen Larmour 13:04.98 74.0%
W40 Amanda Walker 13:07.32 67.3%
W55 Kathy Sims 13:23.07 80.4%
M70 Tony Booth 13:50.08 72.4%
W55 Ruth Baussmann 15:23.68 70.9%

Spiral 7
M45 Rod Lynch 11:15
M50 Gary Bowen 12:48
W55 Ruth Baussmann 15:17

So Tony has achieved his season's goal of an 800m record, in his last 800m. The rest of us are not (quite) there yet. 

DVDs I have seen
I just watched "Mr Bean's Holiday" for the first time. Yes, it is very funny! He finally got there, his holiday destination, at the very end.

Books I am reading
I am re-reading "Good Omens" by Pratchett & Gaiman, also "A Gift From Earth" and "Neutron Star", both by Larry Niven. Armageddon? We didn't quite get there.

Also, I was dipping into "Lore of Running" (the Bible of running in the 21st century), fourth edition, by Tim Noakes, and after reading a segment on Ron Clarke, saw a reference to “Lenton”. So I checked the reference list, and sure enough, it’s our own Brian. See for the reference list, search on “Lenton”! There are a few references there.

One Hour Run
The rescheduled one hour run is set for this Thursday. There will still be a 3000m at the start of the program, and the one hour at the end.

4 x 1500m relay
There is likely to be a 4 x 1500m relay the following Thursday, the last night of track. Talk is it will be last event when a 3000m was scheduled, and it will be combined with a 2 x 3000m relay option instead of just a 3000m. If so, it looks like a good fun way to finish off the track season.

The start of Tony's 800m
Tony Booth, lane six, getting off to a good start. Former M70 record holder Merv Collins is in lane 7. Merv broke his own M80 record. Race winner Amanda Walker is in lane 1 and runner-up Katie is in lane 5. They both ran pbs. Kathy in lane 2 is rapidly improving and ran a fast time again.

Tony straight after his record breaking run

An elated Tony talking to Geoff and Kathy. Geoff himself is on the verge of breaking the M60 800m record, having just missed it in his most recent race.