Monday, 30 March 2009

No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery.

Transformation by Imitation
Teaching people about transformation does absolutely nothing. And telling people to change for the better is usually a waste of time; people know they should exercise, eat well, avoid cigarettes and drugs, live peaceably with one another, and so on; but how many actually do all this? Maybe it's obvious to runners who train together, but the answer could simply be: get alongside someone who is the kind of person you would like to be, who is doing what you would like to do and achieving what you would like to achieve, and imitate them. Mind you, there are some terrible role models in the world of sport, few deserving hero worship. But if you spend your time with a group of people doing it right, you will grow to be like them.

Coming up:
End of daylight saving this Sunday 5 April
Women's and Girls' Fun Run this Sunday 5 April
Dickson training resumes Thursday 23 April
Speedygeese group dinner Monday 4 May

Speedygeese results
CCC 28/3 Winter series race 1 – Rani Road – no speedygeese ran. There were 43 finishers. I for one had no idea how to get to Rani Road from Belconnen and had no intention of finding out and going. The Crows were running rings around the Magpies at the time and I wanted to enjoy the occasion.

There are just two weeks until AMA Nationals in Adelaide. I will be heading off next week, not turning up again until the Canberra Marathon in three weeks time. Adelaide, the best little puissant town in the world. That should be puissant, of course, not pissant

Katie is one of the well-performed speedygeese off to Adelaide for the nationals. Others are Amanda, Rachelle, Ken and myself. I believe Katie, Amanda, Rachelle and Ken fine-tuned by running on the track on Sunday. Between us we could collect a medal or two in Adelaide.