Thursday, 26 March 2009

Mastering our sport

The Member Services SubCommittee (MSSC) encourages all club members to attend the Annual General Meeting on 19 May.
How we proceed with the proposed transition to “Masters” will be debated.
Your participation in the meeting, and your vote, will be important.

"The Committee gives notice that the following motion is on the agenda for the AGM on 19 May 2009: That, in accordance with s34 of the Club’s constitution, this general meeting amends the constitution so that “club” means the ‘ACT Masters Athletics Incorporated’, and ‘Masters’ replaces ‘Veteran’ or ‘Veterans’ where they occur."

AGM DATE: Tuesday 19 May 2009
VENUE: Southern Cross Club Wests, Catchpole Street, Macquarie
START: 7:30 pm

Club President, and member of the speedygeese, Christopher Lang

Transitioning to The Great And Better World Of Tomorrow
A few little hiccups with the new blog design? (WHICH DOESN'T MEAN THE OLD ONE WAS BETTER!) The date might sometimes not display, and when it does it only does for the first post each day, if there is more than one post for the day. And I might replace the "J" icon. And I should add useful categories to posts now that I have decided to use categories again. Adding code for an rss feed link will be done when I get around to it. Fixing the "links" section from the menu bar. Improving the appearance of the sidebar, Resetting the "archives" section to something different, looking at how I link with google reader to other blogs. And anything else I can think of or which you might suggest that I can do to make this blog better if and when I feel like it. You can see there are a few outstanding issues, but they can wait.