Sunday, 1 March 2009

I want sprinkles

healthy intelligent training
Arthur Lydiard has been one of my main inspirations in the last 40 years as far as training methods go. There is a great article / interview about the Lydiard system of training, and about a new book bringing Lydiard up to date,  here -

An excerpt from the article: "Too many personal trainers and 'sports scientists' with ponytails and compression tights have been assiduously chipping away at the edges of Lydiardism, peddling their compromised versions, till all we get is meaningless articles in popular running mags for the masses warning people of the dangers of good old-fashioned, decent mileage. What a load of cobblers! Next thing we’ll have these guys shortening the marathon distance to avoid the dangers of glycogen depletion!"

Another excerpt "sausage running" - so called "because it was based on long intervals of constant running over whatever terrain came up, with short recoveries. ... Like a string of sausages."

I would like to get hold of the book one day.

Less than intelligent cake decoration:

Probably not that healthy either.