Eagle sneaking up on lame goose.
These are the two photos Jim White took late in the 2008 Canberra Marathon eleven months ago. Eagle is catching me. I should add that every runner you can see behind me ended up ahead of me. Not just Eagle, also the guy stretching, apparently out of it. I am not going through that much marathon pain ever again!
Thursday night speedygeese results (all hand timed)
W35 Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee 71.1 70.6%
M45 Rod Lynch 10:47 77.1%
M50 Roger Pilkington 12:52 65.2%
W35 Bronwyn Calver 12:59 66.9%
One Hour Run
M50 Roger Pilkington 13343
W35 Bronwyn Calver 12672
M50 Ewen Thompson 11736
W55 Ruth Baussmann 10852
W60 Margaret McSpadden 10067
1500m “Pennington”
5 Tony Booth M70 5:57 79.8%
6 Kevin Chamberlain M60 5:25 82.1%
8 Kathy Sims W55 6:00 84.3%
9 Rod Lynch M45 5:03 78.8%
12 Ken White M55 5:30 76.3%
14 Katie Forestier W40 5:29 77.2%
15 Amanda Walker W40 5:36 73.9%
17 Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee W35 6:00 66.1%