Monday, 22 December 2008

Plan Planning

The Last Week...of 2008 is coming up. There's nothing normal happening any more, not that there ever was. But we step out of our routine: there is no gym, no track, no racing. Warmer weather and grandchildren arrive at about the same time. The weather still cool enough to run long. The grandchildren all in holiday mode: a little less tired and a little more excited even than normal.

We start planning for the new year. Do you have a plan for making a plan?

Miranda sent me this. I wonder why?

To prevent the geese from getting fat, we still want a plan for week 52 of 2008.

Here's my plan for this week - another 90k like last week:
Monday: Parliament House, a run at 4:30pm, speedygeese training (The Wild Goose Chase!) at 5:30pm.
Tuesday: Stromlo at 6:00pm for a tempo run.
Wednesday: An easy run around Belconnen
Thursday: A longer run on Christmas morning
Friday: Another easy run around Belconnen
Saturday: Stromlo intervals 9:00am
Sunday: Stromlo long run 8:00am

Next year, routine will resume all too quickly. With skill, the routine can be improved on. I wish we could just play it by ear more, I wish we didn't need to do such planning, but without it my lack of discipline would show.

The change of years however is the opportunity to modify the routine. To improve it, to make new and better choices, to set new goals.