Monday, 8 December 2008

Is this (▲) a dagger that I see before me?

No, this (▲) is an upward arrow that I see before me. Now you have to click on "MY TRAINING DIARY", above, to see my weekly progress.

This week's plans: 90k including
Monday gym, monkey bars, 4:30 Parliament House easy run, 5:30 warm-up for intervals. The interval session will consist of 12 x 260m runs in teams of three, with some variations possible for those needing to do fewer.

Tuesday 6pm Stromlo Forest Park 5k tempo run (with warm-up, cool-down).
Wednesday an hour's gym, monkey bars, an hour's jog.
Thursday Masters track at Bruce, choice of an 800m race or a 3000m race.
Friday an hour's gym, an hour or so's run, and more monkey bars!
Saturday 9am Stromlo km intervals. Join me if you wish!
Sunday long run.

Innabaanya Snaps (continued)

1. still finding a smile
2. Follow the bright yellow cap... (Peter, Ewen)
3. ...but keep your cap on. (Peter, Ewen)
4. They may have got past, but my day will come. (Alan, Geoff B, Christopher)
5. Darn. Pink sox are faster than black sox. (Neil)
6. Play a round of golf with me and then see who's smiling! (Bronwyn)